Mulberry Lofts is an apartment property in what was originally an industrial neighborhood in the Strip District of Pittsburgh, PA. The development features 97,300 SF of residential space providing 114 apartment units and a parking garage with approximately 50 spaces.
Trans Associates performed a transportation study to meet the requirements established by the City of Pittsburgh’s Departments of Mobility and Infrastructure and City Planning.
TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS – Study included data collection and analysis at four intersections in the study area and evaluated capacity and queuing analysis for current and future conditions using Synchro. Pedestrian and bicycle mitigation measures were also determined.
TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN – Trans Associates developed transportation demand management strategies with the goal of reducing parking demand for the development.
PARKING ANALYSIS – Parking analysis included Building Code analysis and the development of a Transportation Demand Management plan, including parking management.
LOADING ANALYSIS – Calculated the required number of loading spaces for the site and assessed truck maneuverabilitiy using AutoTurn software.
MEETINGS – Transportation Impact Study (TIS) scoping meeting with DOMI, planning commission briefing and hearing.