Transportation designs require safety consideration for all users. Solutions must address the needs of multi-modal users while also preserving the scenic, aesthetic and environmental resources of the project location. Trans Associates has the experience to provide the correct balance of context sensitive solutions and safety.
Highway & Roadway Design
Trans Associates has completed roadway projects in almost every type of setting, and for a wide variety of public and private clientele. Whether reconstructing dense urban street networks, negotiating sensitive rural terrain for a highway, optimizing roadways for pedestrians and bicyclists or providing corridor design, our goal is to provide appropriate, cost effective solutions.
Engineering Services
Our engineers apply their skills and experience in devising unique solutions to meet our client’s transportation challenges.
Traffic Signal Design
Trans Associates has a specific design group to address signals and signal system design. We are familiar with both new and older technologies and can design appropriate, fiscally responsible solutions for our clients.
Highway Occupancy Permits
Property owners must acquire Highway Occupancy Permits (HOP) in many states when requesting access to state roads with a new or modified drive or roadway. Trans Associates is expert at navigating the permitting process for our clients.