Trans Associates was initially retained by Hampton Township to complete transportation analysis studies and concept level alignments to address capacity and alignment issues at the intersection of Route 8 and Duncan Avenue. Our firm was then selected by the Township to complete the design plans and documents as part of a PennDOT Partnership project.
The project included:
• Widening for northbound and southbound left turn lanes on Route 8;
• Realigning Duncan Avenue and widening for an eastbound right turn lane;
• Installation of a new traffic signal with optimized timings and phasings;
• Design of a specialty caisson foundation behind an existing wall for a signal pole;
• Providing ADA accessible curb ramps, sidewalks and crosswalks which are physically constrained by an existing retaining wall on the east side of Route 8;
• Providing a park-and-ride lot to accommodate Myers Coach Line buses with access drives from Route 8 and Duncan Avenue.
The project area had several physical constraints and challenges such as the bridge carrying Route 8 over Pine Creek south of the intersection, a concrete retaining wall along the eastern side of Route 8, the BP gas station along the western side, and the Duncan Avenue bridge over Gourdhead Run. A regional storm water management project eliminated some physical constraints by replacing the existing Duncan Avenue stone arch bridge with a concrete pre-cast culvert. There were also significant utility coordination issues including avoiding major fiber optic duct banks on both sides of Route 8 and relocating an existing waterline and gas line on the western side of the roadway.
Trans Associates was involved in all aspects of the roadway improvement activities including extensive coordination with PennDOT and Hampton Township, roadway design, drainage design, environmental permitting, right-of-way investigation, coordination and plans preparation, traffic signal design, and construction consultation.