When large employers move locations, parking can become a challenge. Trans Associates specializes in parking consulting and assists clients with optimizing existing lots and prioritizing categories of parkers. When parking space runs out onsite, we assist with developing other options. For UPMC’s Children’s Hospital, that meant the development of an off-site lot in nearby Lawrenceville to create a park and ride program for 1450 employees. The access roadway was completely reconstructed along with other design improvements required to open the facility.
Services Provided Include
TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS – Study and analysis of traffic operations and circulation in the vicinity of the project site.
ROADWAY DESIGN -Approximately 425 linear feet of roadway along 57th Street required complete redesign and reconstruction.
STORMWATER AND DRAINAGE DESIGN – Drainage design was upgraded and coordinated with Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority.
ADA & SIDWEALK DESIGN – Design of ADA ramps and sidewalks including a loading apron and rolled curbing along one side of the street in order to maintain existing commercial loading areas.
TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN – New traffic signals were design along Butler Street for the 55th and 57th Street intersections.